On Friday 31 May, Integração received 90 guests for the third edition of Game Day, a free game-tasting event organized by Conquistar - Catalyst Brazil, a company member of the Integração Group. The new games presented to the audience consisted of three portals for different learning experiences: content, real and virtual interaction. Each guest participated in all three activities.
"Game Day is exciting because it is an opportunity to present new products to the customers while giving them a real perception of them. The games we present are ready to go, but the feedback from the clients can help us to improve them", explains Luis Zanin, head of Conquistar - Catalyst Brazil.
Connecting real and virtual
One of the games that the participants could experience was The Infinite Loop, a game developed by Synergy, Tunisia's representative for Catalyst Team Building - the largest network of corporate team building in the world - of which Conquistar is part. Up to eight participants in each team can play The Infinite Loop. While a team member uses the virtual reality glasses and describes what goes on right in front of his/her eyes, the rest of the team has a manual in which they find clues to help unravel the game’s mysteries. With each challenge resolved, a new team member takes the VR glasses and enters the virtual world.
"The Infinite Loop is an activity where communication must be effective in real time, continuous feedback occurs, and participants exercise planning ability, observe time management and apply quick strategic thinking", explains Luis.
"I found The Infinite Loop sensational! Making an analogy between the game and the real work environment, if the leader doesn’t know how to pass on instructions and delegate tasks, he/she will not be able to overcome the barriers of everyday life", said Renata de Paula and Freitas, from Amil. "It is a playful virtual reality activity, and it is also a fantastic experience. The current generation learns from experience, and this game is perfect for that", he added.
The challenge of assembling a robot
The Game Day guests were also able to experience Bot Creation. In this activity, each team gets a kit to assemble a robot."The kits are not like the ones we find in the stores, they are simpler than those, but they open up more possibilities than a ready kit, where you have to follow the manual and fit the parts. The intention here is to make people understand how to put pieces together, thinking about the role they will play and the challenge involved in creating the robots. Bot Creation, an activity that can be collaborative or competitive, gained much attention from the participants, who could see the result of their efforts working at the end of the activity".
"Bot Creation has everything to do with the present moment, talking about the fourth industrial revolution. In the game, we use robotics elements, group dynamics, communication, and we have to identify people talents for each stage of the construction and the closing challenge. I have thoroughly enjoyed it”, said Fernando Santos, from Wheaton.
Planning and discipline to create a city
The third game on Game Day was City Build. In this activity, participants are divided into teams, but they all have to work towards a single goal: building a city. "It is necessary to start by defining the purpose of the city that they will build. The teams must also plan to ensure that the city is harmonious and articulated", says the head of Conquistar - Catalyst Brazil.
Natalia Razera, from Banco do Brasil, loved the activity. "It is a great experience because it brings us back to our everyday life", she said. "In the impetus to carry out a task, we do not question what we have to do. The game made clear the need to perceive the whole picture”. "This was the first time I played a corporate game, and it was fascinating. It fits our needs to add a playful activity in the working environment", she concluded.